Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Session 1 Day 3

The Blue group is making wings to wear on Friday to show off to their parents. Colton is making jet packs for his wings! Others are cutting up pieces of different colored construction paper to make a feathered effect.

                On Monday the Blue group painted pictures inspired from the award winning book “Tar Beach.” The book is about a girl that dreams she can fly. The story tells of her adventures as she flies all over the world. The children painted pictures from a bird's eye view flying over significant landmarks such as: Pyramids in Egypt, city skyscrapers and deserts.

Working with the Fly High theme, the Orange group built sculptures of things that fly. Each child thought of their own idea and created their flying object out of wood.  Once their sculpture was finished they all enjoyed painting it.

The finished projects:

The Yellow group created small versions of hot air balloons! They blew up a balloon and used their creativity to design it. After, they used tape around the center of the balloon to hold string which connects to a plastic cup. The string is used to dangle the plastic cup by poking holes below the rim and tying the string through the holes. The cup looks like the basket of the hot air balloon.

Today the Turquoise group is painting their butterflies which they began on Monday. Pat helped them begin this project by drawing a butterfly on a piece of paper then tracing over it with black Elmer’s glue. Once it dried they painted in the butterfly to make it come to life.

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